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Recruit New FWW Members


Over 300 people have joined together to build FWW. 

Generations of Indiana regional natives grew up playing in our Woods.  And newcomers are often drawn to this area specifically because of our large natural area park.


Now you can be the difference. It’s time to make the widespread support for the Woods clear to the Township.


Please urge your friends, neighbors, uncles and aunts, grandparents, siblings, and even kids to join! (It’s their future, too.) Join for $5-$500! (or volunteer your time). 


Find membership information here or donate online.


Send a check to: 

Friends of White's Woods

P.O. Box 1271

Indiana, PA 15701


DCNR has said that public input and community values must serve as the guide for future management plans for White’s Woods. And conversations, along with past petitions, surveys, and citizen votes, indicate that thousands more strongly agree: The White’s Woods Nature Center is an essential asset to the Indiana Region.  Now.  And even more in decades to come.


  • WWNC sequesters over 27,000 tons of carbon.

  • WWNC absorbs over 200,000 gallons of stormwater annually.

  • WWNC is home to dozens of DCNR-identified “species of greatest conservation need.

  • Pennsylvanians value their public forests!

  • WWNC offers forested trails within a 10-minute walk for over 15,000 Indiana region citizens and IUP students.

  • WWNC hosts thousands of walkers, hikers, runners, bikers, skiers, birdwatchers, plant enthusiasts, and nature photographers - including you! - every year.


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