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Forest Carbon Payments



The preservation of mature forests is an essential component to mitigating climate change.  Various types of contracts are available to forest owners for payment to keep their trees so that the forest can continue to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. This is how White’s Woods might earn revenue for the residents of White Township and help to address larger environmental concerns, as well.


Current Status.  Although Project 70 lands are eligible for forest carbon payments, the carbon market is in flux and contracts do not seem to be available at this time.


Why is urban forest carbon sequestration so important?   City Forest Credits, who certify carbon offset credits,  places extra value on urban forests:  Urban forests help control stormwater run-off, help mediate regional temperature, and, also, absorb a variety of air pollutants - sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, as well as carbon. The WWNC is a very valuable urban forest.


How long is a contract? Contracts typically run 40-100 years.  


Can public lands get carbon sequestration contracts?  Yes, public forests have secured contracts, even as recently as this year.  


* Read a short overview of carbon sequestration,
   carbon offsets, and available contracts.

Did you know: White Township may be eligible in the future to receive payment for leaving the forest intact?


White's Woods is one answer . . .


The 2020s: A Natural Solution to Climate Change (The Importance of Trees)


The Nature Conservancy

How Carbon Markets Help Fight Climate Change

The Nature Conservancy

Additional Resources

White’s Woods Carbon Sequestration


Benefits of Trees

Growing over 20 years in Ohio, USA, one red maple can:


  • Remove 3,100 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

  • Reduce the emissions of 5,500 pounds of carbon dioxide and 30 pounds of air pollution from a power plant.

  • Save 570 kWh of electricity and 20 MMBtu of fuel for cooling and heating.

  • Intercept 27,000 gallons of rainfall and avoid 4,800 gallons of runoff.

  • Filter 15 pounds of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.


Source: i-Tree

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