White's Woods Nature Center: Current Value & Future Care
After months of working with consultants in forestry, forest ecology, invasive plant biology, stormwater management, invasive plant management, climate change, forest songbird habitat, forest carbon sequestration, along with reading numerous DCNR reports and DCNR management plans approved for other Project 70 lands, Friends of White’s Woods is poised to offer both a list of ideal goals and supporting data for long-term protection of the White’s Woods Nature Center. All goals must be reviewed by the public and modified appropriately. (See Appendix C for the list of Friends of White’s Woods 2020-2021 webinars.)
This document, White's Woods Nature Center: Current Value & Future Care and Appendices, was distributed to the new White Township Stewardship Subcommittee (a subcommittee of the Township's Recreation Department) at the committee's organizational meeting on January 20, 2022.
At the same meeting, the White Township staff distributed and asked the White Township Stewardship subcommittee to review and consider the 2020 Millstone Plan, a plan previously submitted to and not approved by DCNR.
White's Woods Nature Center: Current Value & Future Care
WWNC: Current Value & Future Care: Appendices
Thanks to all who helped put together White's Woods Nature Center: Current Value & Future Care.